
2012藝文人才駐地暨展覽計畫徵件 截止日2011.5.31



徵件期間:即日起至2011/5/31截止(郵戳為憑),當日下午五點前接受親自送件,不接受電郵遞件。駐村相關問題請洽「2012 AIR小組」,Email: air@artistvillage.org 電話:(02) 3393-7377

Call for 2012 Exhibition Proposals

Deadline: 2011.5.31

To facilitate and incubate creative presentations of arts, AIR Taipei calls for innovative exhibition proposals at Barry Room, Taipei Artist Village. This would not only provide presentation opportunity but also professional networking in Taipei.

Please visit www.artistvillage.org/Residence/Exhibition to download the guideline and application form.

Application through email is NOT acceptable. For inquiries about artist-in-residence, please email to air@artistvillage.org ; or call +886 2 3393 7377.
