
2011寶藏巖微型群聚徵件 截止日2011.5.31




徵件期間:即日起至2011/5/31截止(郵戳為憑),當日下午五點前接受親自送件,不接受電郵遞件。駐村相關問題請洽Email: thav@artistvillage.org, 電話:02-2364-5313分機112/114


  1. 時間:徵件期間,每週三下午三點至五點。
  2. 集合地點:寶藏巖聚落入口信箱牆(汀州路二段230巷底)。
  3. 請於會勘二日前完成現地會勘預約登記,電話02-2364-5313分機112/114或電郵至thav@artistvillage.org報名。

Treasure Hill, the first village-style historical settlement in Taipei City, is located at the margin of city with gentle meanderings. The unique lifestyle from various migrations has constructed a specific community on Treasure Hill. In the principle of Artist-Resident-Paragenesis, Treasure Hill Artist Village (THAV) has invited Taiwanese artists for the "Artists-in-Residence" program since September 2010, aiming to build a sharing platform of artistic and cultural perspectives around the globe to see how these new artist-residents revitalize the organic community, allowing communications between art, habitat and the society, so as to promote sustainable development of creative settlement based on existing environment.

This program only calls for Taiwanese applicants this moment.

2012藝文人才駐地暨展覽計畫徵件 截止日2011.5.31



徵件期間:即日起至2011/5/31截止(郵戳為憑),當日下午五點前接受親自送件,不接受電郵遞件。駐村相關問題請洽「2012 AIR小組」,Email: air@artistvillage.org 電話:(02) 3393-7377

Call for 2012 Exhibition Proposals

Deadline: 2011.5.31

To facilitate and incubate creative presentations of arts, AIR Taipei calls for innovative exhibition proposals at Barry Room, Taipei Artist Village. This would not only provide presentation opportunity but also professional networking in Taipei.

Please visit www.artistvillage.org/Residence/Exhibition to download the guideline and application form.

Application through email is NOT acceptable. For inquiries about artist-in-residence, please email to air@artistvillage.org ; or call +886 2 3393 7377.

2012 AIR Taipei Open Call for Arts Residence & Exhibition Proposals Application Deadline: 31.05.2011

2012 AIR Taipei Open Call officially kicks off!

AIR Taipei offers 2 bases for international artists to develop and realize their projects in Taipei, they are Taipei Artist Villiage(TAV) and Treasure Hill Artist Village(THAV). TAV locates in the city center where the artists can easily access the public and the art network; THAV sits in the unique historical settlement of village style where awaits to be explored by the artists to put creativities in.

Fellowship 1: AIR Taipei International Artist in Residence (No limitation for nationalities)

Fellowship 2: Special Project – Artists from Sister Cities of Taipei (For the list of sister cities, please refer to the guideline)

Please visit http://www.artistvillage.org/Residence/Residence to download the guideline and application form.

Application through email is NOT acceptable. For inquiries about artist-in-residence, please email to air@artistvillage.org ; or call +886 2 3393 7377.

2012藝文人才駐地計畫徵件開跑! 截止日2011.5.31

台北藝術進駐「2012藝文人才駐地暨展覽計畫徵件」正式開跑!2012年台北藝術進駐的雙據點: 位在都心的「台北國際藝術村」,因交通便利,易達性提供運用城市生息創作的完整便利網絡;「寶藏巖國際藝術村」立基於世界少見全台僅有的活化保存歷史聚落中,風貌獨具,歷史文化社區的多元議題,等待創意火花激盪。

台北藝術進駐向以藝術村形式提供國內外藝文人才跨國多元的文化交流平台。國際徵件計畫及姐妹市藝文計畫,利用不同資源投注,加強與其他城市及族群間的文化連結。並提供國內藝文人才創作補助、免費工作室和機票出訪國際交換機構,包括日本Tokyo Wonder SiteBankART1929,韓國Incheon Art Platform,美國Colorado College,紐西蘭Unitec Institute of TechnologiesAsia New Zealand Foundation,澳洲Asialink(駐村地點 Central Institute of Technology),法國Lieux Publics等國際友村。



駐村相關問題請洽「2012 AIR小組」,Email: air@artistvillage.org ,電話:(02) 3393-7377